Bits & Pieces

Alaska in autumn, according to my camera :)

Alaska in autumn, according to my camera 🙂

I’ve been struck by the incredible urge to celebrate all things “autumn.” Today marks the first day of the best month of the year. October, oh birthday month— bringer of all things colorful, crisp & chilly, sweaters, and cinnamon spice etc.— how I love thee. I also love ANY excuse to wear/decorate with the color mustard yellow! I wish I had something more thought provoking to share, but instead I leave you with a few snaps of our cozy little domicile. I’ve been feeling mighty crafty as I prepare to nestle in for the coming winter. (<– yikes!) I am particularly fond of my old tea cup shelf turned spice rack. Hoorah for a bit of spraypaint and determination. Happy October!

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The little cherub I nanny, getting his fill of pumpkins :)

The little cherub I nanny, getting his fill of pumpkins 🙂