| One Year Later|

[also: “That Time We Went ‘Hiking'”]

This weekend was quietly monumentous for us.

"just married"

“just married”

On April 25th of last year, Seth and I had a brief, legal ceremony that officially launched us into “married” status…according to the U.S. governement. Without a lot of fanfare, we met Seth’s youth pastor at an office building kind of in the middle of nowhere suburbia, and he signed a document pronouncing us man and wife…and then I think we went out for BBQ or something dumb like that….

Before anyone gets offended that they weren’t told about this little bit of sneakiness, the whole thing was done as a practicality which would expedite the paperwork process involved with Seth adding me as a spouse and getting us military housing after our official “wedding”  & celebration that following September. So for a few months I was secretly married…and that was really fun and weird, and I think I ended up telling a lot of people because apparently I am terrible at keeping secrets.

Me grinning like an idiot; Seth saying, "I do."

Me grinning like an idiot; Seth saying, “I do.”

Anyway, the point of this story is that this last Friday was our “legal-versary”—officially, legally one year of marriage! I celebrated by not showering, sitting around in sweatpants, and doing basically nothing to commemorate the day. Seth celebrated by surprising me with a card, gift, and an arrangement of flowers that he picked out himself from a local florist.

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10,000 husband points to Seth….and admittedly a demerit to his wife…she might be the worst.

In fact, the whole point of this post is for me to take a second to publicly praise/probably embarrass my husband…because I just think he’s tops, and I don’t care who knows it. We’ve had a bizarre first year of marriage filled with months a part, military obligations, and moves to three different states within a span of six months….but even amdist a lot of that chaos, he still manages to remember important dates, surprise me with flowers, and overlook my many flaws.

Happy “one year of officially being able to mark ‘married’ on our tax form,” Babe! Love you the most.IMG_5667

IMG_5654 IMG_5633In keeping with flower pictures but switching gears slightly, here is a slew of pictures of trees from our nature walk with friends through Kincaid Park yesterday. I am very excited to go hiking again when things are a bit more green and alive.  Hope you all had as lovely of a weekend as we did.


“elephant graveyard”

a mess of moss and dead sticks

a mess of moss and dead sticks

A cloudy day is not best when trying to capture how pretty Cook Inlet is...but if you squint a bit you can imagine how how majestic that far mountain might look with full sun and a zoom lens.

A cloudy day is not best when trying to capture how pretty Cook Inlet is…but if you squint a bit you can imagine how how majestic that far mountain might look with full sun and a zoom lens.

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